Argumentative Essay Topic…


Since we are approaching the deadline for our argument essay soon, I felt as if I needed to start brainstorming ideas. I am going to use this open blog post to share and record my thought on a topic I believe I may want to write about. The topic that I am considering is technology in the classroom and whether or not it’s pros out way it’s cons. I remember the days when we were lucky if we had one desktop computer in the classroom. Today, each students has their own Chromebook to use at school. I understand how important technology can be in providing accommodations and I do think it is beneficial to students. However, when I walk into a class room and see all thirty students with their headphones in and their eyes glued to the computer screen for an entire class period I get concerned. The sense of classroom community and collaboration feels lost when these students do all of their work online. My brother is in the sixth grade and he does his entire math class on a laptop. The course is designed online for every sixth grade math student in his school. This program is designed for student paced learning, however my brother does not enjoy sitting in front of the computer for the entire class period. He tells me how he misses doing work with his classmates and listening and interacting with the teacher during lessons. His class even goes as far as having to email the teacher when they have a question or need help. I understand that once in college, this is how many classes work, but for a sixth grader to strictly learn math from behind a computer screen I feel is excessive. For my essay I want to look into some other opinions and find research about technology and it’s impact on students. I am not 100% set on this topic, but I do think it can be a great topic for an argument.

Thanks for reading,

Faith McIntosh

One thought on “Argumentative Essay Topic…

  1. I think this is a good idea to write about considering it’s always a very popular subject. You could definitely take this to the next level if you’re willing to do a lot of research. As kids, we always wanted technology in the classroom but as we grow older, we realize that really it just puts a hindrance on focus and attention in the classroom- which leads to a decrease in learning.


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